Levent Sadık Ahmet: Δουλειά μου είναι η εμπορική διπλωματία

Γιος Σαδίκ: Δουλειά μου είναι η εμπορική διπλωματία…(CIA)!....

Διαβάσαμε δηλώσεις του Λεβέντ Σαδίκ, γιου του Αχμέτ Σαδίκ, που έχει αναδειχθεί σε ισχυρό επιχειρηματία, με επενδύσεις και στη Θράκη, με τις οποίες επεσήμανε ότι «δουλειά του είναι η εμπορική διπλωματία», μιλώντας στην Προύσα, στα γραφεία του Συλλόγου Αλληλεγγύης «Τούρκων Δυτικής Θράκης» (BTTDD).

Ο Λεβέντ Σαδίκ υπογράμμισε πως «είναι ανάγκη οι «Τούρκοι της Δυτικής Θράκης» να σπάσουν το καβούκι τους… Δουλειά μας είναι η εμπορική διπλωματία». Πάντως εμείς νομίζαμε ότι ήταν απλώς επιχειρηματίας και όχι ότι ασκεί «διπλωματία», αν και βάσει ονόματος και των σχέσεων που διατηρεί με την τουρκική ηγεσία έχει όλες τις προϋποθέσεις να το κάνει.




Levent Sadık Ahmet 1 billion dollars turnover in 2027

Tue, 3 Oct 2023

DCT Trading, which started 21 years ago with a loan of 10 thousand dollars from his mother, started trading cotton in many countries and closed 2022 with a turnover of 100 million dollars.

DCT Trading Chairman Levent Sadık Ahmet's 2027 turnover target is 1 billion dollars.

Known as the 'white gold' in the agricultural commodity market, cotton is one of the most valuable products. Cotton, which is especially valuable for financial markets, has a very intensive usage area in textile, chemical and food industries.

Levent Sadık Ahmet, Chairman of the Board of Directors of DCT Trading Company Levent Sadık Ahmet, who made his company, which he established at the age of 23 with a loan of 10 thousand dollars from his mother 21 years ago, globally recognised today, said that they sell 140 thousand tonnes of cotton annually to countries such as Vietnam, Pakistan, China and Japan, including Türkiye. Sadık Ahmet stated that they aim to reach 200 thousand tonnes by the end of 2024 in cotton trade and noted that their target for 2027 and beyond is to sell 350 thousand tonnes of cotton.

17-18 TL per kilo in the producer 40 TL in the seller

"We buy 35 per cent of the total cotton produced in Greece. This is a very big rate," he said.

Pointing out that the cotton industry has a strategic importance all over the world for centuries, Sadık Ahmet said that they closed 2023 with a turnover of 100 million dollars and added, "Our turnover target for 2024 is 160 million dollars. We aim to reach a turnover of 1 billion dollars in cotton in 2027."

Stating that the demand for cotton in the world is increasing day by day, Levent Sadık Ahmet pointed out that cotton is an important global raw material due to its widespread production and consumption.

Stating that there are hundreds of thousands of acres of cotton land in Türkiye and cotton production costs are very high, Ahmet said, "If cotton was picked by hand, producers would definitely not be able to cope with this. Costs can be reduced with technology. Because great technological devices are used. Türkiye is a general cotton protector".

Pointing out that business people should understand cotton producers, Sadık Ahmet said, "Prices have fallen, costs have increased. Indeed, the producer produces cotton, wheat and corn with a great sacrifice. However, the costs are very high. This bends the producer's back," he said.

Stating that the kilogram of cotton in the producer is around 17-18 TL, Sadık Ahmet said that this figure is around 40 TL in the seller.

Cotton turnover in Türkiye 5.5 billion

Emphasising that Türkiye is one of the strong countries in the world cotton production, Levent Sadık Ahmet said that last year Türkiye produced 1 million tonnes of cotton and consumed 1.6 million tonnes.

"This year, cotton will be produced around 800 thousand tonnes. Urfa, Aydın, Diyarbakır and Hatay are among the biggest producing regions in Türkiye." Stating that Türkiye is a textile country consuming 1.5 million tonnes of cotton annually, Sadık Ahmet said that Türkiye is considered as a global player in the textile and ready-to-wear sector. Pointing out that the textile sector in Türkiye has grown very much, Sadık Ahmet said, "You have to buy from other countries. Because the sector is very big".

Stating that if there is a shortage of raw materials in the textile sector, it may become dependent on other countries, Ahmet said, "If we make production efficient, we can minimise the raw material problem." Stating that the turnover of cotton is 5.5 billion dollars when we look at the production and imports in Türkiye, Ahmet said, "Almost all of Europe supplies its textiles from Türkiye because it is both cheap and close."

Production facility in Greece

Levent Sadık Ahmet, who explained that they have cherry packaging and blueberry production on a 200-decare land in Greece, said:

"We have 250 good agriculture contract producers here. We are the biggest blueberry producer in this region. We pack 2 million kilos of cherries annually. We are one of the main suppliers of all supermarket chains in Europe. We produced 50 tonnes of blueberries this year. Our target there is to produce around one thousand tonnes of blueberries in the next two years. You can make a turnover of 10 million Euros in a thousand tonnes of blueberries."

Domestic and foreign funds are interested

Levent Sadık Ahmet mentioned that there are local and foreign funds showing interest in their companies and said that these funds are from Europe and Türkiye.

Emphasising that they are a healthy company, Sadık Ahmet said, "There is a possibility of a deal. It can also be an interesting deal. Obviously, we feel closer to Turkish domestic funds, we may prefer them. Although it is not in everyone's favour, we grew up with Turkish banks. We find the banking system in Türkiye very healthy. It will be finalised within 6 months at the latest."


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