USA: Kamala Harris

Is Kamala Harris an illegal alien? She even fails the “anchor baby” test!

Some Kamala-defenders claim she is an anchor baby and qualified for U.S. citizenship solely by her place of birth.

In the last 24 hours, our exposé of Kamala’s bogus citizenship claims, we have received some pushback by an almost visceral “she’s an anchor baby!” reaction to the question of Kamala Harris’ citizenship. It should not be a question at all if Kamala were being sincere about her interest to serve the American public.

Given her father Donald’s resume, she looks like just another groomed recruit for the Pilgrims Society and their offspring at the U.N. and Council on Foreign Relations.

At best, the anchor baby concept is thin legal theory.

It takes a leap of logic to interpret the 14th Amendment to allow for citizenship by arguing that a newborn baby is under the jurisdiction of the U.S. at birth merely by virtual of his or her presence in the U.S.

Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”[10]

In 1898, the U.S. Supreme Court took an important precedent step to clarify what “jurisdiction” meant in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898). The Wong circumstances were not dissimilar to Kamala’s whose father was a PhD graduate student at the University of California Berkeley. See Kamala’s birth certificate below.

In addition, every non-US parent of a baby born in the U.S. has natural citizenship rights for himself and his child based upon the citizenship laws of his home country. Those rights cannot be usurped just because a citizen is a student in America.

In Donald Jasper Harris’ case, that is Jamaica. Jamaican law is very clear about Kamala’s citizenship at birth:

“Every person born outside Jamaica shall become a citizen of Jamaica . . . on that the date of his birth.”

Section 3C(b), Citizenship by decent, Jamaica (Constitution) Order in Council 1962. (Jul. 25, 1962). Caribbean and North Atlantic Territories, Statutory Instruments, 1962 No. 1550, Amendments through 2011 appended. Queen Elizabeth and Privy Council.

India has a similar law if one chooses to focus on Kamala’s Caucasian Indian mother’s citizenship instead. See Part II, Sec. 5, Citizenship. The Constitution of India. (Nov. 9, 2015). Government of India, Ministry of Law and Justice.
So, unambiguously, by the laws of citizenship in Donald’s Jamaica, Kamala was born with Jamaican citizenship.

The open question remains whether she is a dual citizen by virtue of her birth in the United States.

To answer this we must turn to the 14th Amendment and the Supreme Court’s clarification of “jurisdiction” in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898).

The Wong Kim Ark decision created a simple test for jurisdiction for which all the elements must be true before it applies:Child was born in the U.S;
Birth parents are citizens of, and subject to the laws of, a foreign country;
Birth parents have “a permanent domicile and residence in the United States;”
Birth parents “are carrying on business;” and
Birth parents “ are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity” by the country of their citizenship”

This is Kamala’s test to qualify as an “anchor baby:”Child was born in the U.S.?
YES, Kamala’s birth certificate says she was born at Kaiser Foundation Hospital at 9:28pm on Oct. 20, 1964

Birth parents are citizens of, and subject to the laws of, a foreign country;

YES, Kamala’s birth certificate shows that her father Donald is a citizen of Jamaica and her mother Gopalan is from India.

Birth parents have “a permanent domicile and residence in the United States;”

NO, a student residence is generally not considered a permanent domicile and residence. Rather, for a college student, for example, a home residence is considered his legal domicile while his student abode is temporary. For example, in most circumstances a student residence is considered transient and cannot list her student housing residence in another state in order to qualify for in-state tuition. This is fact specific, as the Supreme Court ruled in Vlandis v. Kline, 412 US 441 – Supreme Court 1973. Likewise, a student cannot claim a student address as permanent domicile to meet the Wong rule and enable his or her newborn to become a U.S. citizen! – Vlandis says that no blanket statement about U.S. citizenship can be made about children born in the U.S. of foreign parents.When Kamala was 12, her mother moved Kamala and her sister to Canada for graduate work at McGill University. Kamala attended high school in Westmount, Quebec, graduating in 1981. Did she claim Canadian citizenship during that period? That would put her under the jurisdiction of the British Crown with regard to the Wong test.

Occasionally, a student residence can be used as legal domicile, if the person has the provable intent to make it permanent. Even that was not the case with Donald Harris. Kamala was born in 1964. Donald received his PhD at Berkeley in 1966, two years later, then they moved to the University of Illinois (Asst. Prof., 1966-67), then Northwestern (Asst. Prof., 1967-68), then University of Wisconsin (Assoc. Prof., 1968-72), then Stanford (Econ. Prof., 1978-98). The evidence is clear that Donald had no intention of making his Berkeley address at the time of Kamala’s birth his legal domicile..
Therefore, Kamala does not qualify as a U.S. Citizen under Wong based on the domicile test.

4. Birth parents “are carrying on business;” and
NO. Donald Jasper Harris was a full time PhD student at Berkeley when Kamala was born. See also Kamala’s birth certificate.

Therefore, Kamala does not qualify as a U.S. Citizen under Wong based on the business test.

5. Birth parents “ are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity” by the country of their citizenship”
NO, the evidence is clear that Donald Jasper Harris was working for the U.N. and Jamaican government. His resume is a litany of relationships to foreign governments: Shell Scholar (Jamaica), 1957; Issa Scholar (Jamaica), 1961; Faculty Fellow, Economics, Cambridge University, England, 1966; Ford Foundation Visiting Fellow, Delhi School of Economics, India, 1968; Associate Fellow, Clare Hall, Cambridge University, England, 1969, 1971; Distinguished Visiting Professor, Yale University, 1977-78; Associate Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge University, England, 1982; National Research Council-Ford Foundation Fellow, 1984-85; Fulbright Scholar, Brazil, 1990, 1991; Fulbright Scholar, Mexico, 1992; Visiting Scholar, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC, 1993-94

Donald’s resume states “Consultant to international agencies (UN, UNCTAD, UNDP, IDB, World Bank), governments, and private foundations.”
Therefore, Kamala fails this test as well. Her father was indeed being directed by non-US powers, including the U.N., by virtue of not passing the “not a diplomat or official capacity” test.

No proof of citizenship

Has Kamala become a naturalized American citizen?

She has produced no record of that, as was her duty the first time she ran for public office in California, and certainly is her duty now that she is the presumed Biden vice presidential running mate.

Put up, or shut up Kamala. We’re tired of having to dig around in your past because you are hiding secrets.

U. S. Senator Kamala Harris is not a United States citizen. Demand her deportation immediately.

Demand to see her U. S. citizenship papers. One is not born an American just because birth occurs in a U.S. hospital. And having two foreign parents at the time of one’s birth doesn’t make you eligible to hold the office of presidency.

Is she a Canadian citizen? Her Caucasian Indian mother took her to Canada when she was a child for as many years needed to make application in Canada? Did Kamala return to the United States as a Canadian citizen? Or did she file for marriage citizenship when she married her American husband? The point is, that all these scenarios require CITIZENSHIP papers that will have a legal paper trail. We have the best citizen researchers on the net…and none of our miners could find any documentation on Harris’ citizenship.

Whatever the case, she is not eligible to hold the office of President (or vice president) of the United States. Secondly, she needs to produce her citizenship papers or be deported to India or Jamaica where both constitutions clearly state that children born abroad from citizens of their country, are citizens of mom or dad’s country.

Kamala Harris’ legal path to citizenship needs to be disclosed. What is her country of citizenship?

August 11, 2020—Kamala Devi Harris was born in Alameda County, Oakland CA on Oct. 20, 1964. Her birth father is Donald Jasper Harris, a student and citizen of Jamaica. Her birth mother is Gopalan Shyamala, a “Caucasian” citizen from India.

According to father Donald, Kamala’s great great grandfather was Hamilton Brown, a British attorney and slave owner and promoter who often took his legal fees in new slaves, be they black, creole, Irish, German, etc.

The laws of both Jamaica and India are clear: Kamala is either a citizen of Jamaica or India, but has never produced evidence of U.S. naturalization. Even if she has, she is not eligible to be President, and therefore is unqualified to be Joe Biden’s vice presidential candidate.

Also, an obvious video double of Kamala started appearing several weeks ago.

Full story.

Kamala Harris Anchor Baby

Dear AIM Patriots,

Your information downline will want to know your opinion about Cameltoe Harris so we gathered this media kit for you below. This is AIM-vetted citizen opposition research. Pick and choose memes, articles, videos, plus add your own, to push out into your downline with a message for them to do the same. Push a little or a lot. You will know how much truth your downline can handle.

This is a BOTTOMS UP movement to nail Harris on her U. S. citizenship. Demand that she be arrested and deported for immigration fraud.

Thank you.



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