Oleh Rybachuk projects : There he first met Viktor Yuschchenko

Oleh Rybachuk projects : There he first met Viktor Yuschchenko....ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ, Σλαβομακεδόνες και σουηδικά ευρώ

There are rumors that it was he who introduced the future president to the ex-CIA agent Ekaterina Chumachenko, who would later become Yuschchenko’s wife.

But the lion’s share of the work directed at discrediting and the future coup of the government was done through several NGO’s, which played a key role in the preparation of the Euromaidan: these are the ‘New Citizen’ campaign9, the social organisation ‘Tsentr UA’10 and the social movement ‘CHESNO’, of which Rybachuk was the founder and initiator. The CHESNO campaign, which had a clove of garlic for a symbol and ‘filter the Rada!’ as slogan, became the base network which other liberal Ukrainian NGO’s as well as Western donors linked up to. In the organisation’s financial report from October 2011 to December 2012 we see such donors as the International Renaissance Foundation (a Soros structure), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA),(ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ, Σλαβομακεδόνες, πανεπιστήμιο «Πιερίας» και σουηδικά ευρώ).... USAID and UNITER (a special US reform-oriented program for Ukraine)11, the Washington IFES fund (which deals in election observation all over the world),12 the international organisation PACT Inc. and the Omidyar Network Fund13.

Kateryna Yushchenko with her husband Viktor Yushchenko, George W. Bush and Laura Bush, April 4, 2005 (the East Room of the White House)

Kateryna Mykhaylivna Yushchenko (Ukrainian: Катерина Михайлівна Ющенко; born September 1, 1961 in Chicago) is the wife of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and former First Lady of Ukraine.

Kateryna Yushchenko was born Catherine Claire Chumachenko in Chicago to immigrants from the Left-bank Ukraine. She is a former U.S. State Department official. She worked as a special assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs. She holds a bachelor's degree in International Economics from the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University (1982), and an MBA from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business (1986).

She later worked in the White House in the Office of Public Liaison during the administration of Ronald Reagan. Subsequently, she worked at the U.S. Treasury in the executive secretary's office during the administration of George H. W. Bush. After leaving that position, she was on the staff of the Joint Economic Committee of the United States Congress.

After Ukraine declared its freedom, she was a co-founder and the vice-president of Ukraine-USA Foundation. She was also the director of Pylyp Orlyk Institute. In 1993, she joined KPMG Peat Marwick/Barents Group as a consultant in its Bank Training Program and Country Manager, where she met Viktor Yushchenko, whom she subsequently married. She left her job in August 2000, when she was expecting her second child.

Yushchenko is now involved in numerous charitable projects with the Ukraine 3000 International Foundation that she chairs.[1] The key priority of the Foundation is better health for Ukraine’s children. On the Supervisory Board of Ukraine 3000 Foundation, established in 2001, are some of Ukraine’s most prominent educational, humanitarian, cultural, literary and sports figures. President Victor Yushchenko served as Chairman of the Supervisory Council until his inauguration in 2005. Since then, its Chairman is Kateryna Yushchenko.

All programs and projects of the Foundation are implemented within three major areas: "Ukraine Yesterday", "Ukraine Today" and "Ukraine Tomorrow". The biggest projects of the Foundation are the "Hospital to Hospital" program, the construction and support of the "Children's Hospital of the Future" and "The Joy of Childhood – Free Movements" program.

Πηγή: One of these is the American multibillionaire Pierre Omidyar, a migrant from France of Iranian origin and the founder of the company eBay.


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